
Partnerships will be announced on all the communications channel. This page will be updated as we unveil more partnerships.

Ramen Finance is currently actively seeking partnerships and collaborations with all protocols building on Berachain. If you are considering and/or planning to launch your token on Berachain, please reach out to us via Discord or Twitter.


The Honey Jar/ApDAO

About ApiologyDAO: ApiologyDAO functions as a hive-like superstructure, establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the Berachain Ecosystem organism. ApDAO strategically invests capital and resources into essential Berafi protocols, fostering the growth of the Berachain eco.

About this partnership:

  • Ramen receives 1% of DAO seats for ApDAO and is the exclusive token launchpad partner for ApDAO, in exchange for 2.5% of the total $RAMEN supply, locked as gRAMEN.

Standard & Paws

About Standard & Paws: S&P is a Rating System assessing the credibility of projects within the Berachain Ecosystem. It is an open-source, community-driven 150-point system meticulously designed to assess project legitimacy. Elevated scores not only signify heightened effort and coordination but also act as a reliable proxy for trustworthiness. Its ability to establish a benchmark sets this system apart, providing a solid foundation for ongoing project evaluation.

About this partnership:

  • Curated Launches presents the perfect use case for the Standard & Paws rating system, offering an independent and reliable source of due diligence for the Berachain community and Ramen users.

  • Standard & Paws ratings and reports of the various protocols will be made available to all Ramen Curated Launch participants on the launch event pages.

  • The Ramen team will invest resources to co-develop Standard & Paws without interfering with the impartiality and credibility of its due diligence processes.

Last updated