RAMEN token

Objectives/Pain Points to Solve:

  • How can we create a fair and decentralized allocation distribution system such that genuine contributors and users stand to benefit the most from Ramen?

  • How can we create the best user experience for token launches on Berachain?

  • How can we accrue and distribute value derived from the growth of Ramen to platform users, contributors, and community members fairly?

$RAMEN – decentralizing allocation distribution

We believe that Ramen will only maximize its value to the ecosystem and its participants when we are able to distribute allocation, which represents the right to purchase tokens, to genuine and loyal users, not sybil farmers and bots.

One of our key goals in Ramen Finance is to design an efficient and decentralized allocation control and distribution system – but why is that important?

In any centralized and decentralized token launchpad, allocation distribution is typically either determined by opaque processes (KYC, platform activity, off-chain queue system) or completely uncontrolled free markets (FCFS, fair launch). In any case, this results in at least two key fundamental issues:

  1. Unpleasant user experience: Unhappiness arise when genuine users are unable to participate in token launches because of botting activity, which can result in a loss of community activity and loyal long-term users

  2. Inequitable token distribution: An unbalanced token distribution where several dozen wallets control a significant token supply as a result of sybil farming will inevitably affect token price movements and long-term longevity of the project

By means of a native platform token, $RAMEN is our experimental attempt to decentralize allocation control and distribution, while allowing value accrual in the growth of Ramen Finance to flow towards platform users, contributors, and community members.

To reserve allocation in upcoming launches, users are required to lock $RAMEN to receive a gRAMEN position. This implies that there is a certain cost basis in acquiring $RAMEN for gRAMEN, which makes allocation farming with multiple accounts less feasible. And this would be verifiably true as community members will be able to track gRAMEN positions on-chain and potentially map launch participation, via the ownership of new tokens, to the gRAMEN positions to visualize the token distribution for any given token launch.

This also implies that early users of Ramen Finance would be enjoying allocation at a lower cost basis on average compared to latecomers, thus incentivizing early participation.

gRAMEN – decentralizing governance and value accrual

With Governance $RAMEN, or gRAMEN, we will be able to progressively transition the governance of Ramen Finance into the hands of the community, thereby ensuring that the platform can gradually evolve to meet the increasingly sophisticated liquidity needs of new protocols.

We also see gRAMEN as a growth flywheel in the near future – protocol fees accrued from trading volume from Permissionless Launches will be captured and distributed regularly to gRAMEN holders as a form of real yield. As such, gRAMEN holders will be incentivized to spread word-of-mouth and encourage new projects to launch their tokens via Ramen.

The presence of an on-chain position also potentially open up a myriad of exciting opportunities for gRAMEN holders – it is possible to whitelist gRAMEN holders for Airdrop Recipes to receive token airdrops from participating protocols, or use the real yield to create a launchpool-style product to earn new tokens. The possibilities are endless.

TL;DR: Holding gRAMEN

  • Earn Gacha to reserve allocation in Curated Launches

  • Earn real yield from protocol fees captured from Permissionless Launches

  • Vote on protocol policies

  • Potentially receive token airdrops from exciting new protocols

Last updated